Applecross Community
Applecross is home to just a couple of hundred people, but it hosts a variety of businesses and community groups, some of which are listed below.
Applecross visitor information
An Applecross information portal covering some of the local organisations.
Hartfield House Hostel & The Bunkhouse
Visit Scotland 4 star 50 bed hostel set back from Applecross bay at the foot of the Bealach na Ba. Offering a mix of double ensuite rooms, single, double, triple and dorm rooms. Individuals and groups welcome. Wedding and event venue. From £30pp.
Applecross Community Company
The Applecross Community Company focuses on community development and renewable energies.
The Highland Cattle Society
The (UK) Highland Cattle Society. Full information on Official Pedigree Sales, Naming Cattle, Registration, Breed Standards, Cattle Data Base and Membership.
NatureScot (previously Scottish Natural Heritage) secure the conservation and enhancement of Scotland’s unique and precious natural heritage - the wildlife, habitats and landscapes which have evolved through the long partnership between people and nature.
Kishorn Port & Dry Dock Limited
Exemplary port and dry dock facilities for oil and gas, decommissioning, renewables and offshore wind. Kishorn Port Limited is partnership between Ferguson Transport and Leiths.
Ferguson Transport & Shipping
Ferguson Transport & Shipping. Delivery of fish food to fish farms located off the West Coast of Scotland. Based in Kitshorn to facilitate distribution and warehousing, Ferguson Transport forms one part of Kishorn Port Limited.
Leiths Group
Leiths. Complete Service for Construction and Civil Engineering Projects. Although the head office is in Aberdeen, the company has a quarry in Kishorn, just over the hill. Leiths forms one part of Kishorn Port Limited.
Applecross Heritage Centre
Applecross Heritage Centre is run by the Historical Society, and holds historical records, finds, maps and much more.